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User Guide


Duke is a personal chatbot that helps you keep track of your personal tasks. It is designed in mind for individuals who are used to the Command Line Interface (CLI).

Getting Started

  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed on your computer.
  2. Download the latest release of Duke from here.


1. Adding a ‘ToDo’ task

Creates a ToDo task and adds it to your task list.

Syntax - todo [task description]

Example: todo CS2103T Quiz

You should see that the task has been added to your list:

ToDo Image

2. Adding a ‘Deadline’ task

Creates a deadline task and adds it to your task list.

Syntax - deadline [task description] [/by] [date & time]

Example: deadline iP [/by] [17/09/2019 1000]

You should see that the task has been added to your list:

Deadline Image

:warning: Date & Time must be entered in format dd/mm/yyyy HHmm

3. Adding an ‘Event’ task

Creates an event task and adds it to your task list.

Syntax - event [task description] [/at] [date & time]

Example: event concert [/at] [28/09/2019 2000]

You should see that the task has been added to your list:

Event Image

:warning: Date & Time must be entered in format dd/mm/yyyy HHmm

4. Listing tasks

List all current tasks.

Syntax - list

Example: list

You should now see a list of your tasks:


5. Finding tasks

Finds and returns you a list of tasks, based on your description.

Syntax - find [description]

Example: find concert

You should then see a list of tasks which contains the word “concert”:

Find Image

6. Mark as done

Allows you to set a particular task as done, based on the number provided.

Syntax - done [index]

Example: done 2

This will set task number 2 in the list as done and you should see something like this:

Done Image

6. Delete tasks

Allows you to delete a particular task, based on the number provided.

Syntax - delete [index]

Example: delete 2

This will remove task number 2 in the list and you should see something like this:

Delete Image

7. In-App Help

Allows you to view a summary of available commands in the app.

Syntax - help

Example: help

You should now be able to view the available commands for the app:

Help Image